pixelfed feed

@[email protected]
Layered distorted grids in blue and red. A calm ocean of sparse blue grid with a very dark separate blue hill in the top right corner, fading into a light blue with white peeking from behind the grid. A strip of red going down on the left side, conforming to the patterns of the ocean, but internally so distorted.

#grid_ 6
#art #fediart #mastoart #glitchart #photomanipulation #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #mediaart

A digital A4 page full of cutouts from magazine's like WIRED and distorted classic clip art, showcasing among others a melting money bag, crumpled US Dollar, and a clip art character tapping it's feet in joy as the word "corporations" explodes.

The word cutouts read:
What's best? I get to learn to be very nervous about the government of the United States of America–for free!
It's no crime to love MR. Bill! LESS THAN Privacy
That's Great, But The CYBERNETICS cult is a new DYSTOPIA
More More More
Webster defines it as cheap trills
that is How they Get You
Few of us will ever reach the level of professional stalker, BUT corporations...
THEY Control The End Of Privacy
mad sickos
the United States Of America
OH NO, Internet!

bagpipes – 2023
i made something digital with magazine cutouts and classic clip art

#clipart #collage #privacy #krita #art #fediart #mastoart #digitalart #mediaart #contemporaryart #texture #glitchart #photomanipulation #mem_ry__fault #abstract #abstractart #netart

Thick layered distorted grids in a deep blue and burnt green. A uniform layering of colors and shapes, with blotches of the lighter green shades and darker blue shades.

#grid_ 5
#art #fediart #mastoart #glitchart #photomanipulation #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #mediaart

Layered distorted grids in blue and purple. A shell-like shape in the middle with edges in a thick blue mesh and insides in a pinkish purple. A line of blue grid goes over the shell-like shape diagonally left to right bottom to top, being thicker and separated from the main straightforward blue grid which has only been distorted or pushed away from the topleft and bottomright corners.

#grid_ 4
#art #fediart #mastoart #glitchart #photomanipulation #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #mediaart

Layered distorted grids in blue and red. A central blue round shape created from ultra-distorted and layered grid where the shape of the grid has been lost compeletely, with some calmer purple blobs inside. On the edges its a finer red mesh that has also been distorted in a smaller and more chaotic way.

#grid_ 3
#art #fediart #mastoart #glitchart #photomanipulation #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #mediaart

Layered distorted grids in blue and purple. A thicker portion in the bottom left, purples wave through the middle. Differently shaped blue bumps and a very strechted together portion a bit down from the center.

#grid_ 2
#art #fediart #mastoart #glitchart #photomanipulation #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #mediaart

A white square image with a rectangle-shaped image in the middle creating white borders. The rectangle image has "bled out" to the white canvas around it in multiple places. The rectangle image has an intense chromatic aberration effect causing it's edges to be lined in red and yellow. The left side has a greenish tone and the texture of the original photogtaph is still clearly visible. The right side shows a noisy corner of a smartphone angled horizantally playing some distorted video. Abstract distortions are leaking to the white edges.

are you not entertained
#borders_ 2
#art #fediart #mastoart #digitalart #mediaart #contemporaryart #texture#glitchart #photomanipulation #mem_ry__fault #abstract #abstractart #netart

Layered distorted grids in multiple colors. Some parts inching closer on the top left and bottom right, with the middle being a bit farther from you.

#grid_ 1
#art #fediart #mastoart #glitchart #photomanipulation #abstract #abstractart #digitalart #mediaart

A white square image with a rectangle-shaped image in the middle creating white borders. The rectangle image has "bled out" to the white canvas around it in multiple places. On the left there is a blueish dark gray area kind of almost orginacally grown in two layers away from itself, which has a bit lighter purple-orange area in its bottom left corner. On the top right, a lush green area with orange/yellow and slight purple striping and more of an abstract photography or painterly quality, all sharpened to get that rougher feel. On the bottom right a recognisable part of the original (rectangle) image is visible, a part of a smartphone with what appears to be an image of a tierlist with one "Parental advisory, Explicity content" sticker visible in it. Overlaid on top of that is an Android phone's popup; "Newpipe isn't responding, close app, wait".

#borders_ 1
#art #fediart #mastoart #digitalart #mediaart #contemporaryart #texture#glitchart #photomanipulation #mem_ry__fault #abstract #abstractart #netart

The four letters of the word XYNY aligned in a grid in the center of the image. Rich textured digital glitch art with some accents that seem like brushstrokes but are digitally distorted. Rough textures, but there's some white on the borders. Slightly visible is the base image of the whole thing, a screenshot of an old MacOS system running MacPaint. On the left side some folders for MacPaint and PhotoShop. The most of the righthand side and other parts are a greenish hue, but the XYNY letters have yellow and cyan halftoned accents, and parts of the MacOS system show up in black.

reposting my profile pic with alt-text
#art #fediart #mastoart #digitalart #mediaart #contemporaryart #texture#glitchart #photomanipulation #mem_ry__fault #abstract #abstractart #netart